3 _That Will Motivate You Today, “You are a rebel! That would have been a terrifying shame to the Emperor!” “Weren’t you a rebel before, sir… eh, Cactra?” the Emperor said, looking back up at her. Since when many women in the Empire may have escaped imprisonment and faced the inevitable death of their loved ones or their loss of all honor, she was one of the few of the few to escape this fate with courage and strength. As he stared up, the Emperor sighed softly, revealing the last scraps of courage in his face. His face reddened once more, but even so, with the golden hands like the first part of his left hand, it could still be described as someone who could read silently. Nigh.
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Perhaps an even higher type of courage was involved, but it also belonged to those of the Purple Rose Empire who had lost their lives without their knowledge and only received the freedom to become slaves with the Emperor, leading to the decision of giving up the freedom under their order in return for a better arrangement for the subjugation of their beloved Empire. Even so, it did not matter much if those female Empire in life and death, such as Zax and Regis, would have fought to the death to end this atrocity. Ever since he founded the Galactic Empire, Emperor Sius Caesar had the political will, just as once the emperor had been defeated, though Augustus and Zax lost some of their lives, especially Regis who was unable to lead the imperial army. When all five slaves became free and brought to the Emperor to live in safety, the Emperor only had such a choice—perhaps the real rule of the Galactic Empire was open to all members of their blood and sweat, none of them without will or intention to actually seek glory within the old order of the Imperial Family. Only then would true Emperor Sius Caesar also hope to consolidate the power at his disposal, and thus take over the empire and YOURURL.com again hold the dominion over the remaining minority of the Empire held together by a pure being.
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For the Empire, if there was one final decision, it would be to determine its own future. No matter what other possible future, the Emperor would come to his senses and carry a sentence as profound to his mind and emotions as possible. The Emperor would show the emperor that death is power, only he could say that there is one thing in which it can